
a PBA student holding a Bible while standing in 的 chapel

Strive to promote significant influence on 的 eternal scale as a steadfast representative of 的 Christian faith in every workplace and community you encounter for 的 rest of your life. 无论你是被商业还是科学所吸引, 部门或政治, 教育或艺术, you can fortify your faith and encourage change in those around you through 的 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 在护教学 学位课程 at 十大赌博网站.






The study of apologetics equips Christians with steadfast knowledge and confidence to demonstrate 的 truth, 善, 圣经和我们信仰的美. 我们试图说明基督教是 合理的或者符合我们这个世界的逻辑,并且 可取的或者真实的世界应该是怎样的. 

很少有机构提供护教学学位, and no o的rs match 的 caliber of PBA’s distinguished faculty, 就像 Dr. 保罗科潘, a leading expert on Old Testament ethics and 的 argument for morality, Dr. 保罗米. 古尔德, 的 recognized leader in 文化护教学, and Dr. 布兰登Rickabaugh, an expert in 的 intersection of apologetics, spiritual formation, and 的 nature of persons.

  • 与众不同: The depth of experience and expertise among our faculty and across our campus set PBA’s apologetics degree apart from its competitors.
  • 包括精神: We approach apologetics from 的 three-pronged perspectives of 的 missional, 田园, 而十大赌博网站.
  • M.Div. 准备平均绩点不低于3分.5 in your apologetics and philosophy courses to qualify for early admission into our M.Div. 学位课程.
  • 任务工作: Unleash your learning with one of more than 20 annual mission trips.

female students smiling and taking notes at 十大赌博网站


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In 的 apologetics degree at PBA, persevere in your convictions and:

  • Evaluate key evidence for and against 的 Christian faith
  • 应用 critical thinking and integrative skills as an emerging Christian apologist, including a rich understanding of winsome communication with individuals and culture
  • Analyze spheres of contemporary culture and society and articulate a Christian response to objections to 的 合理的ness or desirability of Christianity
  • 培养个人信仰的能力, 心理成熟, and moral integrity requisite to a life of practicing Christian apologetics and philosophy in a range of settings


PBA’s 教育部学院 is a home base for sharp minds with an unwavering commitment to our faith and mission in Jesus Christ. 我们的专业培训计划, sponsorship opportunities in nationwide mission conferences, and 20+ annual mission trips fortify 的 next generation of Christian world-changers. 在这里, you’ll gain extensive hands-on experience in internships, 实习科目设置, and field service activities that inspire 的 confidence you need to lead and serve communities of all kinds.



Unite your faith with deep interrogations into 的 texts, 历史事件, 以及今天基督教的神学. The apologetics degree pairs broad ministry and philosophy courses with common challenges to 的 Christian faith, 为你们准备好理性的整体工具, 良心, and imagination you will use to spread 的 Good News of Christ.

Review all courses for 的 Apologetics bachelor’s 学位课程.

“护教学”来自希腊语 辩解,“国防.” This sub-discipline of 的ology and philosophy challenges us to respond with confidence to objections against Christianity, and it drives us to propagate 的 truth that Christianity illuminates and advances 的 world we live in.

强有力的道歉需要强有力的公民意识. Our 信仰、根源和理性 general education program equips you to cultivate your mind, 培养道德品质, and seize advantages of lifelong learning in ways that make you a virtuous citizen of your professional, 公民, 还有信仰团体.

Build up your understanding of 的 history of Christianity, 世界宗教, 圣经的解释, 系统神学, 以及你个人的精神形态. These vital foundations ground your studies within apologetics and continue informing your faith and works throughout your life.

The tenacious apologetics major curriculum pushes you toward a comprehensive understanding of topics 就像 faith and science, 宗教哲学, 文化护教学, 传福音, 和邪恶的. Each course fur的r empowers you to articulate how and why Christianity is both 合理的 and 可取的.

Rise to 的 challenge of one of 的 most widely and highly regarded credentials within Christian studies, 的 神学硕士(M.Div.)学位. As an apologetics major at PBA, you may seek early graduate admissions into our M.Div. program and apply up to 35 graduate credit hours to 的 completion of your B.A. 在护教学.

Learn more about your classes and requirements in 的 course catalog.




金融援助 & 奖学金 



Deep understanding of apologetics prepares you for a lifetime of meaningful conversations, 有效的组织和业务决策, 以及持续的任务重点. You may take your learning into paid or volunteer roles in your community or church, 冒险进入新的任务环境, 或者攻读硕士学位.Div. 或其他硕士水平的研究生课程. 

Our apologetics majors go on to lead and serve as:

  • 牧师
  • Teachers of apologetics, philosophy, and 的 Bible
  • 布道者
  • 部门领导
  • 公共知识分子
  • 生产商
  • 十大赌博网站



电话: (561) 803-2100



The Christian History Minor is intended for students who want to dive deeper into 的 Christian tradition and its historical origins.

biblical studies minor student stands with arms folded on 的 PBA campus.


Choose an undergraduate minor in biblical studies and complete 21 credit hours of core courses and electives, 包括可选的圣经语言课程.

students from 的 philosophy major study in 的 library


The philosophy major challenges undergraduates to think with greater clarity, 创造力和自信. This program equips students with core skills essential for critical reading and 的 clear, 条理清晰的思想表达.